Live Load in the building structures
|The movable and unstable loads are called live load. These loads are either moving or movable loads without any impact or acceleration. These loads changing from time to time and this is the major load in the design considered. This may be caused by the weights of objects, which are permanently attached to the structure.
Various types of the loads acting on building structure can be classified as vertical and horizontal and longitudinal loads. Vertical loads consisting of dead live and impact loads and the horizontal loads are formed due to earth quick. In this article, we discussed the vertical load.
Live consists of a load of moving materials, a load of workers or people, loads of Goods, and the load of Machinery which is used in building. It also consists of a load of furniture, load on snow and rainwater on the building. When the design of the slab the factor of the live load is considered.

Live loads are based on the functionality of the structure. These are loads of varying positions and magnitudes and are produced by the use and occupancy of Heat Recovery Steam Generator HRSG. This shall be defined as the specified building codes and customer requirements.
Generally, These loads are calculated by multiplying 1.2 times to the imaging value of live load in design.
These loads acting on the building structure and increase the dead and self-weight of the structure. It can be assumed by the designer because they live load is one of the major loads in structural design. These are also called imposed loads. The load arising from the purpose and use of the structure or building but excluded the earthquake, wind and snow loads.
Those loads are acting uniformly over the whole floor area for the purpose of design. These loads are acting on all the floor of a building. Live loads vary from time to time or may change rapidly with time. Live load sufficient to depend on IS codes for the strength of the structure is not taken by the code authorities but with the architect.
In recent years, wind load has become the most important load on the structure. The building floors should have assumed to be subjected to ui form live loads. For highway bridges live load specified in the code of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official AASHTO.
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