Auto Level An auto level is a levelling instrument and used by contractors, builders, land surveying professionals for surveying, and auto level setup is fast & are easy
Pitched Roof Pitched roofs are the most common types of roof and with an angle of usually, over 20 degrees pitched roof comprising a sloping surface or surfaces.
Grillage Foundation Grillage foundation consists of one, two, or more tiers of beams (regularly steel). To distribute the load over an extensive area, these beams are superimposed on a
Load Bearing Wall A load-bearing wall is a wall that is constructed to support the above slab or other building elements in a structure and also supports the
Caisson Foundation A caisson foundation is a watertight retaining structure used as a bridge pier and used to construct a concrete dam and may also be used in
Soundness of Cement The soundness of cement is an ability of hardened paste after setting to retain its volume and it is very important that the cement shall